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Crisis Communication Management

Crisis Communication Management

I need at least 4 citations for each question. I need at least 1 reference, in addition to the course text(s) listed as a reference for each page (use applicable reference(s)). Course Textbooks/References:
Jordan-Meier, J. (2011). The four stages of highly effective crisis management: How to manage the media in the digital age. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Walaski, P. (2011). Risk and crisis communications: Methods and messages. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Burson, T. E., Brooks, B. W., & Pupchek, L. S. (2010). Skydive Carolina – “Welcome to my world”. Journal Of Critical Incidents, 3110-116. Retrieved from Business Source Complete database.
Reynolds, B. J., & Earley, E. (2010). Principles to enable leaders to navigate the harsh realities of crisis and risk communication. Journal Of Business Continuity & Emergency Planning, 4(3), 262-273. Retrieved from Business Source Complete database.
I need the references for each question listed after that question. Please do not consolidate them. Please write the question above the answer so that I will not be confused.
1. Describe the principles of the Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication (CERC) Model. Relate the CERC principles to the stages of a crisis by discussing how the CERC principles can have an impact during the Chronic stage of a crisis.
2. Outline and discuss at least three significant factors that will influence the crisis communication process once the purpose and objectives of the message are determined.
3. Define the terms crisis and risk. Explain how risk communications differ from crisis communications? Provide an example of risk communication and an example of a crisis communication from either mainstream or social media (insert link or text in assessment question’s answer). Be sure to explain how the examples you have chosen qualify to be either risk or crisis communication.
4. Describe Berlo’s generic steps for verbal and written communication. In light of those steps, provide examples of what both senders and receivers can do to ensure the risk and crisis communication process is successful.
5. Discuss the impact of social media in Stage One and Stage Two of crisis reporting. What are some key issues to be aware of and what steps should an organization take with regard to social media during these first two stages of crisis reporting?
6. Create a brief scenario of a crisis that could potentially happen in your work environment. Choose and describe what actions you would take during Stage One of crisis reporting as the leader of your organization.
7. What does the public want to know during Stage Two of crisis reporting? How do mainstream media typically react, and what are the key lessons organizational leaders should keep in mind during this stage?
8. Describe what is meant by the term “issue link”. Provide an example of this phenomenon related to a crisis that you are familiar with.
Communication Plan Outline (please submit an outline in accordance with unit VII instructions below) (2 Pages)
Submit an outline of your Crisis Communication Plan due in Unit VII. The Crisis Communication Plan can be for an organization of your choice and should, at a minimum, cover the elements discussed in Chapter 8 of the Walaski textbook. Please refer to the Communication Plan rubric and the Communication Plan instructions found in the syllabus under the Unit VII Mini Project for specific assignment requirements as you complete your outline
2 Pages
You are the CEO of a major corporation whose databases were recently hacked and sensitive customer information was stolen. The press has been hounding you for some kind of a statement regarding the situation and what the corporation is doing to protect its customers and prevent this from happening again. Would you as the CEO speak out about the crisis or would you choose a frontline spokesperson to represent the corporation? Explain your choice.
Please respond to the following questions (even if you chose the CEO to make the statement): ts of a good and effective spokesperson in a crisis?
?Why do you think it would be important to have a well-trained spokesperson speak for the corporation during a crisis such as this one? given out by the frontline employee?
Simulated News Conference Paper (3 Pages)
Create a crisis situation related to your field, field of interest, or place of work, and simulate a press conference. Write a paper no less than three pages including the following information: h stage of the crisis the press conference is taking place in. will manage the start and finish of the conference, and who will be the designated spokesperson. your answers to those trick questions. e four sections of this paper.
Presentation to Executive Team (10 slides)
Imagine you are the head of Corporate Communication in an organization that has yet to embrace social media. Assemble a presentation for the Board/Executive Leadership Team to persuade them that social media is necessary for prudent and effective crisis management. Your goal is to gain their confidence, resources, and overall endorsement of your plans to include social media in the organization’s crisis response.
Your presentation should be at least 10 slides in length with speaker notes included for each slide. There should also be a title slide and a presentation slide not included in the 10 slides. Make sure to include descriptions of at least three different social media tools, how each is being used to communicate during
crisis management, and rules for how to get your message across efficiently, effectively, and succinctly using these tools.
Unit VII (5 Pages) (Write this in accordance with the outline provided for the Communication Plan)
Crisis Communication Plan
Develop a crisis communication plan for an organization of your choice. Include a social media policy. Plan should be no less than five pages long and include, at a minimum, the following items: tuations and assumptions ces
Message Map (2 pages)
Create a message map for a crisis or risk situation in your field/organization. Identify who the stakeholders for the message are, potential stakeholder questions and concerns, key messages, and supporting facts
32 total pages

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Crisis Communication Management

Crisis Communication Management

I need at least 4 citations for each question. I need at least 1 reference, in addition to the course text(s) listed as a reference for each page (use applicable reference(s)). Course Textbooks/References:
Jordan-Meier, J. (2011). The four stages of highly effective crisis management: How to manage the media in the digital age. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Walaski, P. (2011). Risk and crisis communications: Methods and messages. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Burson, T. E., Brooks, B. W., & Pupchek, L. S. (2010). Skydive Carolina – “Welcome to my world”. Journal Of Critical Incidents, 3110-116. Retrieved from Business Source Complete database.
Reynolds, B. J., & Earley, E. (2010). Principles to enable leaders to navigate the harsh realities of crisis and risk communication. Journal Of Business Continuity & Emergency Planning, 4(3), 262-273. Retrieved from Business Source Complete database.
I need the references for each question listed after that question. Please do not consolidate them. Please write the question above the answer so that I will not be confused.
1. Describe the principles of the Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication (CERC) Model. Relate the CERC principles to the stages of a crisis by discussing how the CERC principles can have an impact during the Chronic stage of a crisis.
2. Outline and discuss at least three significant factors that will influence the crisis communication process once the purpose and objectives of the message are determined.
3. Define the terms crisis and risk. Explain how risk communications differ from crisis communications? Provide an example of risk communication and an example of a crisis communication from either mainstream or social media (insert link or text in assessment question’s answer). Be sure to explain how the examples you have chosen qualify to be either risk or crisis communication.
4. Describe Berlo’s generic steps for verbal and written communication. In light of those steps, provide examples of what both senders and receivers can do to ensure the risk and crisis communication process is successful.
5. Discuss the impact of social media in Stage One and Stage Two of crisis reporting. What are some key issues to be aware of and what steps should an organization take with regard to social media during these first two stages of crisis reporting?
6. Create a brief scenario of a crisis that could potentially happen in your work environment. Choose and describe what actions you would take during Stage One of crisis reporting as the leader of your organization.
7. What does the public want to know during Stage Two of crisis reporting? How do mainstream media typically react, and what are the key lessons organizational leaders should keep in mind during this stage?
8. Describe what is meant by the term “issue link”. Provide an example of this phenomenon related to a crisis that you are familiar with.
Communication Plan Outline (please submit an outline in accordance with unit VII instructions below) (2 Pages)
Submit an outline of your Crisis Communication Plan due in Unit VII. The Crisis Communication Plan can be for an organization of your choice and should, at a minimum, cover the elements discussed in Chapter 8 of the Walaski textbook. Please refer to the Communication Plan rubric and the Communication Plan instructions found in the syllabus under the Unit VII Mini Project for specific assignment requirements as you complete your outline
2 Pages
You are the CEO of a major corporation whose databases were recently hacked and sensitive customer information was stolen. The press has been hounding you for some kind of a statement regarding the situation and what the corporation is doing to protect its customers and prevent this from happening again. Would you as the CEO speak out about the crisis or would you choose a frontline spokesperson to represent the corporation? Explain your choice.
Please respond to the following questions (even if you chose the CEO to make the statement): ts of a good and effective spokesperson in a crisis?
?Why do you think it would be important to have a well-trained spokesperson speak for the corporation during a crisis such as this one? given out by the frontline employee?
Simulated News Conference Paper (3 Pages)
Create a crisis situation related to your field, field of interest, or place of work, and simulate a press conference. Write a paper no less than three pages including the following information: h stage of the crisis the press conference is taking place in. will manage the start and finish of the conference, and who will be the designated spokesperson. your answers to those trick questions. e four sections of this paper.
Presentation to Executive Team (10 slides)
Imagine you are the head of Corporate Communication in an organization that has yet to embrace social media. Assemble a presentation for the Board/Executive Leadership Team to persuade them that social media is necessary for prudent and effective crisis management. Your goal is to gain their confidence, resources, and overall endorsement of your plans to include social media in the organization’s crisis response.
Your presentation should be at least 10 slides in length with speaker notes included for each slide. There should also be a title slide and a presentation slide not included in the 10 slides. Make sure to include descriptions of at least three different social media tools, how each is being used to communicate during
crisis management, and rules for how to get your message across efficiently, effectively, and succinctly using these tools.
Unit VII (5 Pages) (Write this in accordance with the outline provided for the Communication Plan)
Crisis Communication Plan
Develop a crisis communication plan for an organization of your choice. Include a social media policy. Plan should be no less than five pages long and include, at a minimum, the following items: tuations and assumptions ces
Message Map (2 pages)
Create a message map for a crisis or risk situation in your field/organization. Identify who the stakeholders for the message are, potential stakeholder questions and concerns, key messages, and supporting facts
32 total pages

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